Are you considering selling your home?

Are you considering selling your home?

Are you considering selling your home? If so, you’re not alone. There are many reasons why people choose to sell their homes, and in this blog post, we’ll explore the most common. 1. Take advantage of the current market and equity in the home One of the...


Amber Harvey Your Real Estate Agent FollowFollowFollow Email me about me I am a born and raised 4th generation family farm girl from North Dakota. I graduated from the University of North Dakota with a Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy. After graduating, I...
Shamrock (Oxalis) Plant Giveaway

Shamrock (Oxalis) Plant Giveaway

For the month of March 2023, if you contact me and tell me what color Oxalis plant you want, I will deliver it along with a complimentary comparative market analysis of your home or a neighborhood. Oxalis is also known as a Shamrock plant. Oxalis triangularis, also...
Fishing opener

Fishing opener

For many people, May 15 marks the start of the happiness season. It conjures up visions of catching the big fish, spending time with friends and family, and being near the water. We are lucky enough to live in an area where you can easily get to a body of water with...