
Buying Home Buyer GuideClick on my home buyer guide to learn more about the process of buying real estate. My guide is designed to help buyers understand how to get started, learn terminology commonly used in real estate transactions, and know what to expect during...
Fishing opener

Fishing opener

For many people, May 15 marks the start of the happiness season. It conjures up visions of catching the big fish, spending time with friends and family, and being near the water. We are lucky enough to live in an area where you can easily get to a body of water with...
What does that mean?

What does that mean?

Real Estate Jargon Explained  Whenever you are in the midst of a real estate transaction, always ask questions if you are not sure. I am going to highlight a few common terms that are used in a real estate transaction. Offer-this term is used when you plan to offer to...
8 Steps to Finding a New Home

8 Steps to Finding a New Home

Did you know that buying a home can be accomplished in only 8 steps? Believe me it can! I have outlined the timeline and will explain each step. The first step should always be to secure a plan for funding. In order to get pre-approved you will need to find a lender...


Selling Home Seller GuideMy home seller guide is designed to help sellers understand how to get started with the process of selling a home, how I provide guidance and support throughout the transaction, my marketing strategies, trusted referral sources, and pricing...