March ’23 Market Update for the Twin Cities

March ’23 Market Update for the Twin Cities

The Twin Cities real estate market has been on a roller coaster ride for the past few months. According to the Minneapolis Area Realtors, the March market update shows a decline in new listings and pending sales, but a slight increase in median sales price. New...
Are you considering selling your home?

Are you considering selling your home?

Are you considering selling your home? If so, you’re not alone. There are many reasons why people choose to sell their homes, and in this blog post, we’ll explore the most common. 1. Take advantage of the current market and equity in the home One of the...
What does that mean?

What does that mean?

Real Estate Jargon Explained  Whenever you are in the midst of a real estate transaction, always ask questions if you are not sure. I am going to highlight a few common terms that are used in a real estate transaction. Offer-this term is used when you plan to offer to...


Selling Home Seller GuideMy home seller guide is designed to help sellers understand how to get started with the process of selling a home, how I provide guidance and support throughout the transaction, my marketing strategies, trusted referral sources, and pricing...